Skeet Multigames


Technical Design
  • Spawn room system
  • Stage gamemodes
  • Optimization
  • Technical level design
Level Design
  • Layout
  • Environment design
  • Solo Project
  • Gamemode: Minigames
  • Duration: 3 Weeks
  • Platform: PC
  • Engine: Source Engine
Fun facts
  • Features 10 gamemode stages
  • Designed for both newcomers and professionals

The level is all about reaching the middle first and then choosing a minigame to play.

Inspired by Mario Party, where a variety of minigames are available.


The level starts from a large spawn area, where both teams are present. The spawns are to teleport players to 4 set locations. This to give each player a fair chance to reach the center first.

If you are first, you get to choose a minigame. Players may choose a minigame that benefits them personally or that they believe their team will win.

Design choices

Each of the minigames are built around movement and fast reflexes. I designed them to feel rewarding for good execution as a player. However it is forgiving in many regards.

Most of the stages, allows for small mistakes and if you are lucky enough to not get killed by another player, you can try again and again.

The level make full use of the Source Engines movement system. The strafing, bhopping and air acceleration. I designed within the available and limited functions of the Source CSGO engine specific properties.

Knife Arena

Players fight each other with just their knives. This mode is designed to be 1v1. A new player can only enter once the previous knife fight is finished.


Teams are given a random starting point. They either start with Shotgun or AWP.

They have to kill the other team, utilizing fast reflexes and movement.

Awp Submarine

Teams are given a random starting point. They either start with Knife or AWP.

They have to kill the other team. This by launching themselves from launchers and infiltration the AWP teams building.

Bhop Battle

Players have to BHOP across an obstacle course. The further they progress the better weapon they are given.


Both teams are given an AWP and battle it out on two symmetrical rooftops.

Slide Circle

The team spawn on opposite side of the main building. They travel faster by jumping in the water.

 Win by having the bomb explode or eliminating the enemy team.

Slide Portal

Both teams spawn with a shotgun and build up speed by continually jumping (bhopping)

Win by having the bomb explode or eliminating the enemy team.


Both teams spawn with a shotgun and battle it out at high speeds. The cannons (arches) are used to boost players further and add verticality.

Deagle Headshot

Both teams spawn with just a deagle (no knife) and can only kill enemies by hitting their heads.


Both teams are given tasers, which are insta-kill. But they only work at short range.


As I designed this level, I focused upon fairness and competitiveness in a fun environment. A striking balance between the two.

The logic used in spawn, is built upon a layer of trigger systems, buttons and specific cases that chooses random outcomes.

The triggers seen in the top screenshot, indicates the two teleport triggers that takes players to their new arena. These are given a destination as soon as a player on the top selection floor chooses a stage.

To prevent griefing and exploiting, the levels are designed with counter-measures. Such as automatic teleportation if not stage is chosen after 20 seconds as a winner, or the extensive clipping to prevent players from leaving the playable area.


Editor view of spawn

When clicking one of the stages, the game does activates some logic. This is done in form of Outputs, a form of visual scripting in Source. It tells the game to pick randomly among cases available in the logic_case entity.


Editor view of stage selection

The logic_case entity then picks either case01 or case02 and executes the commands. In this case it is decided which team gets what spawn and what weapon.


Community video

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