
Contributions & info

Technical Design
  • AI behavior
  • EXP system
  • Scoring system
  • Level Design
Gameplay Design
  • The 3Cs
  • Movement & Abilties
  • Weapon design
User Experience
  • Main menu
  • Visual feedback
  • Animations
  • Solo project
  • Genre:  Adventure & Action
  • Duration: 10 Weeks
  • Platform: PC
  • Engine: Unreal Engine 4
Thirdperson action adventure

Welcome to ShardZone!
Make your way through an alien landscape. Heavy weaponry and precise movement is needed to escape in one piece.

Weapons and combat

The game is built around the base idea of being able to play the same level multiple times, where each playthrough is slightly different.

As you play the game you upgrade your weapons, as well as your health. These upgrades remain in each new “run” of the games challenge. As you make it to the end of the level, you are shown the rank you managed to achieve in your playthrough.

The better your weapon stats, the easier it will be to kill more enemies and reach the end goal in a shorter time span. Which will result in a higher rank. This system encourages players to revisit the game and try to beat it faster and faster each playthrough.

As I designed this I focused heavily on how to create a system that would be easy to understand from the get go. Upon your first win, you’d see your performance evaluated and the game would present you with the option to give it another go.

Results Screen

Your rank depends multiple factors from your playthrough.

Your total amount of kills, Time and use of Checkpoints.


The action is combined with platforming elements.

This keeps the player on their toes. It also encourages the player to utilize their environment fully.

Wall Jumping

Another example of a traversing method in the game. Maintaining the players feel of being powerful.



Melee weapon that the player starts the game with.

Becomes extremely powerful at higher levels. Has three different attack patterns depending on the players m1 presses.

Functions good as a first weapon, since it teaches you how enemies engage in combat and how to use the wrench to break useful objects.


Long range projectile weapon. Very high fire rate and the first range weapon available for pickup.

Designed to encourage a more safe approach from the player while also underlining the importance of ammunition management for the player.

Bomb Glove

Explosive arched projectiles. Extremely powerful but limited maximum ammunition.

Designed to be more useful in narrow sections of the level. Giving the player the ability to wipe out larger enemy camps in less time.

Missile Launcher

Medium ranged explosive projectiles. Deals both explosive and impact damage.

Has a high fire rate, high damage and slightly larger magazine than you’d expect. 

It was designed to function as a reward for players reaching this part of the level and giving them a tool to clear out enemies even faster. Further working towards a better final ranking.

Progression and replayability

The game is built around the base idea of being able to play the same level multiple times, where each playthrough is slightly different.

As you play the game you upgrade your weapons, as well as your health. These upgrades remain in each new “run” of the games challenge. As you make it to the end of the level, you are shown the rank you managed to achieve in your playthrough.

The better your weapon stats, the easier it will be to kill more enemies and reach the end goal in a shorter time span. Which will result in a higher rank. This system encourages players to revisit the game and try to beat it faster and faster each playthrough.

As I designed this I focused heavily on how to create a system that would be easy to understand from the get go. Upon your first win, you’d see your performance evaluated and the game would present you with the option to give it another go.

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