Downtown Runner

Contributions & info

Technical Design
  • World & Object generation
  • Powerups
  • Score & saving
Gameplay Design
  • Camera & Character
  • VFX and effects
  •  Difficulty curve
User Experience
  • Main menu
  • Visual feedback
  • Animations
  • Solo project
  • Genre: Infinite Runner
  • Duration: 2 Weeks
  • Platform: PC
  • Engine: Unreal Engine 4
Endless Runner

Make your way through an endless world of traffic. Gather upgrades and score the highest score possible.


The game is constructed with random generation throughout. All elements, such as obstacles, paths, scenery and powerups are randomly constructed as you play.

As I designed I focused on adding a hard limit to the amount of “tiles” that can spawn. Each of the tiles handle their corresponding element.

In the blueprint I instigate a set amount of tiles as soon as you enter the game, and then maintain this total amount of tiles. Once passed they are removed and a new one is spawned at a spawn point. Hard limit is 15 tiles.

I created this generation system to create replayability and make each playthrough different. The different designed sections, sometimes encourages clever use of powerups, or faster reflexes. All of it is designed to create a fun challenge for all types of players.


Passing tiles increase speed

As you finish each “tile” section, the player speed increases slightly. From the start speed of 1200, then multiplied by 1.02 each time. Until you reach the max speed 3100.

This was designed to make the run feel dynamic, and introduce the higher difficulty level over time.

Obstacle generation
Before Before
After After

Instigates the car obstacles on the set three lanes available. Uses randomly chosen meshes, through a parent blueprint.

Master tile

Example of the most common road tile. The arrows represent the lanes and the collider simply checks if the player has ran through it. The larger arrow is the spawn point for another tile to be created at.

First version

Showcases the very first initial generation system.

Same setup as the finished product, but it does not have a hard limit on amount of tiles. 

The early playtests allowed me to see what issues might occur and how to prevent them down the line.



Designed as a tool to attract nearby cones (points). Each cone increases the players score by 10. Makes the player glow Blue.


This powerup, was designed as a tool to create safe space for the player. I wanted the player to feel like they were in control, even at the more difficult stages of the game.

Increases jump height significantly and Makes the player glow Red.


Protects you from one obstacle and then disables. Makes the player glow Yellow.

This powerup was designed in two stages. The very first version, protected you from obstacles by simply bouncing you straight back if hit.

However through iteration it impacted the pacing negatively. So I reworked the powerup, and instead made it launch the character upwards.

This in turn made it possible to use it as a booster, once a good opportunity presented itself.


My vision for the design, was to give players a clear, easy to understand layout. Easy controls, simple game mechanics, that are easy to learn but hard to master.

An UX that promotes the more simple and quick flow of information. Quick menu, so you can return to the gameplay in a flash.


The camera is set in a third-person perspective. The player is only looking forward, designed to always show them new progress as they play. The game heavily relies on the unknown and what obstacles or powerups comes next.

The move set consist of switching lane and jumping. That is the only thing the player has to worry about as they play. This further promotes the more minimalistic design and emphasizes focus on the core gameplay loop.

Death screen

Quickly shows the player their distance traveled and their score for this current run.

This is then compared to both their highscore in distance and score. If better they are saved in the main menu.

Prebuilt buildings

These are the buildings that are placed throughout the level as decorations.
They spawn with logic so that they do not interfere with gameplay, or block any areas.

Small AI

AI that shoots projectiles. deals damage and if your HP reaches zero you lose. Encourages the player to sidestep more often.

It is spawned with a separate tile system, so they can spawn at advantageous locations. Such as below bridges or next to areas with many obstacles.

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