Damons Canyon – MG


Technical Design
  • Trap design
  • Logic
  • Optimization
  • Technical level design
Level Design
  • Layout
  • Environment design
  • Solo Project
  • Gamemode: Minigame – Obstacle Course
  • Duration: 2 Weeks
  • Platform: PC
  • Engine: Source Engine
Fun facts
  • Popular course to compete for the best times.
Minigame - Obstacle course

The level is about traversing with movement mechanics, avoiding traps to reach the end destination.


The level is split into seven floors. The only way to get through them is to follow along the linear path and clear each obstruction one at a time.

The layout is built to peak player interest, by always having the next objective visible further down their field of view. After each trap is a sort of “safe heaven” where they can relax for a brief moment to then proceed. These are called breathers. I utilize them to not tire the players as they progress along. 

It was important to me that the gameplay didn’t feel repetitive. Hence why the level constantly changes room/area design, to further push the aspect that you’ve made progress. The layout combines outdoor and indoor sections, but in reality the outdoor sections are actually much smaller then they appear. I wanted to avoid every room feeling claustrophobic or too similar to the next.

Trap obstacles

As I designed this level, I had a large focus upon integrating the trap design with the level and environment design. Each trap had to stand out on it’s own. They all make sense within their environment and face the players with a new type of challenge. The difficulty increases significantly as you progress and reward the most skillful players towards the end.


This trap creates a pattern of jumpable barrels within a set timeframe.

Requires both precise movement and fast reflexes.


This trap consists of platforms that move down upon contact. With precise timing and jumping just as it moves back up your boost height is significantly enhanced.

Requires fast reflexes and good timing.


This trap pushes the player up into the air. During flight, you strafe and avoid hitting the electrified floors.

Requires precise movement.


This trap consists of floor pieces that move at immense speeds. You have to avoid obstacles as you soar through the section.

Requires precise movement and planning ahead.

Win satisfaction

As a designer I had to figure out a way to encourage players to work hard and try their very best ro reach the end goal.

To do this I made sure to make the win segment feel rewarding, by working with scale. The larger space makes it feel like you’ve escaped the deadly facility. It even provides you with a boat that could serve as your way home.

The first iteration was a simpler win room inside the facility. But this felt unsatisfying while playtesting. The new altered version became something of a highlight and something players remembered upon completion.

The end also provides the winner, with additional points in the scoreboard.

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