Ceda Fever

Contributions & info

Technical Design
  • Vscripts
  • Technical Level design
Gameplay Design
  • Level Pacing
  • AI navigation
  • Difficulty adjustments
User Experience
  • Main menu
  • Visual feedback
  • Animations
  • Solo project
  • Genre: Action & Horror
  • Duration: 9 Weeks
  • Platform: PC
  • Engine: Source Engine
Ceda Fever
A 3-map chapter campaign.
CEDA is nowhere to be found. The survivors are forced to traverse back through the city to the next nearby evac center. The Union Tech building.
They’ll have to traverse over rooftops, abandoned streets and trashed apartments to get there.


Left 4 dead 2 levels are designed in a linear fashion, where survivors traverse across obstacles and events to reach the next “saferoom” location. The campaign I’ve created is separated into 3 levels that are interconnected. They are combined to create both a narrative and proper feel of progression.

The levels contain hazards as well as rewards for the survivors that alter each playthrough. This is achieved by utilizing dynamic script functions and the games built in director. That monitors the players progression and alters both encounters and items from the current state of the players.

Crescendo Events

I designed each level to have specific choke points. As in areas where the danger would escalate for the survivors. Such as triggering an alarm or calling down an elevator.

These events are known as crescendos. They create extreme tension and each map has specified rules for how the events will play out. This includes zombie spawn points, zombie count, zombie wave sizes and if the survivors should have breathers between the attacks.

Each event has a pop-up on the screen before it can be triggered for the survivors. Allowing them to prepare and set up before they attempt the challenge. If successful they may continue on throughout the level.

The events have been strategically placed to create excitement as you move along the world. Never knowing what’s next  is part of the fun.

Store Alarm Crescendo

Overview - Layout

When deciding on my layout, I wanted to create a layout that felt familiar instantly. To achieve this I designed environment elements that can be seen and understood from a distance. They would reveal what is coming further down the road. This creates a clear objective from the very start of the level.

To achieve a heightened sense of adventure and to reward more explorative players, the levels are also designed with both horizontal and vertical movement in mind. Combining long sightlines on rooftops to short indoors close combat.


Cedafever - M1
Cedafever - M1 - Up to bridge
Cedafever - M2
Cedafever - M3
Setup for Survival on Cedafever_M3

Each of the maps support multiple gamemodes. This includes coop, versus, survival and scavenge.

To achieve this I’ve created different templates in the levels that are spawned depending on the chosen gamemode. This includes having specific new items, props, AI settings and so on.

Outside area example
First open area

To maintain a high framerate the levels are split up into sections.

The two outside sections are split up and connected by an underground car tunnel that players traverse to continue their journey.

In practice you create large “rooms” for each outside area.

3D Skybox
The 3D skybox

 The world is then combined with a 3d skybox. This is a mini world outside the level itself that later on is projected  around the playable area. This creates the illusion of a much larger world.

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