AI – Project

Contributions & info

Technical Design
  • Weapons for Player and AI
  • Hit registration
  • Systems for VFX and Sound
AI Design
  • Planned states
  • Reactions and actions
Level Design
  • Main level
  • Level events
  • Genre: FPS
  • Duration: 2 Weeks
  • Platform: PC
  • Engine: Unreal Engine 4
  • Size: 2 developers
AI Shooter

This project was developed under a two week period with focus on enemy AI design.


As I designed the AI for this prototype, I wanted to make sure convey a realistic feeling to them. They had to react to the players movements and actions.

To do this, I worked with implementation of working with state machines. Planning the states the AI could take. How they would react to the player shooting, or passing by their line of sight.

The final result, consist of an AI that shoots, patrols, dies and chases the player depending on what is currently happening. They also start looking around if they hear suspicious sound near them.

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