
Contributions & info

Level Design
  • Alpha/beta levels
  • Level manager
Gameplay Design
  • Character and platform movement
  • Upgrades
Technical Design
  • Logic for progression
  • Score system
  • Level holes
  • Technical level design
  • Genre: Arcade
  • Duration: 2 Weeks
  • Platform: PC
  • Engine: Unity
  • Size: 10 developers
  • Product Owner
Arcade game

Destroy all blocks and score the highest possible highscore

Progression system

As soon as I started the project, I had multiple levels planned. So the challenge was to introduce them all to the player in a fun and arcady manner.

I designed system that counts the total amount of blocks on the current level. If they are all destroyed the player can progress.


Holes change color when all blocks are destroyed. This to visually tell the player that the next level has been unlocked.


I designed the highscore system to add replayability. As a designer I want to encourage the player to practice and figure out the best strategies.


The powerups, were designed to add depth and strategy. I wanted to reward players with good coordination. The upgrades allows them to clear blocks faster so they can reach the next level much faster.

Save highscore

Part of the code to save the players highscore. Compares to all our own developer scores, created the first time you run the game.

Level iteration

The first iteration of the level consisted of simple surfaces. It was designed to try gameplay features early in development.
I made sure to create a pattern in the block design, as I wanted it to draw the players attention.

As more mechanics were introduced, the level could play more with height differences. This is utilized fully, to create a more dynamic player experience. From playtesting I found that simply rolling around on flat surfaces, were dull compared to the constant jumping and dashing back down.

All the levels co-exist in one major scene. They had to be altered and adjusted to be removed once no longer playable. They also had their total block count changed, or adjusted for better flow.

Before Before
After After
Before Before
After After

Character and obstacle design

The initial player ball had no movement of itself. The platforms tilting was what gave you speed to traverse.

From the very start I planned on introducing a variety of enemies/obstacles. Some of them moving, other who created obstructions as they moved etc.

Towards the end of the production, I settled for rotating and obstacles that move back and forth between two points. This since they were easier to understand and still provided a challenge to players.

Properties for player

Part of the game design document. Player and platform specifics.

It also mentions the first enemy types that dealt damage, that later on were scrapped.

Enemy/Obstacles types

Moving and spinning enemies. Designed by me to create a more chaotic experience. Has increased bounciness and the potential to launch you across the level.

Movement abilities

The player has the ability to slam towards the ground. This was designed to increase control while in the air

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